Top Players, Coaches, Professionals and Ambassadors make our camps and courses awesome.
Gocrea8 employs the most experienced, dynamic and diverse coaching and management staff of any sports camps provider. Our staff have a variety of specialist qualifications, backgrounds and have at least 2 years coaching experience.
Our tried and tested policy is to provide professional sports educators & coaches to deliver all of our programmes. We hand pick the best coaches and many come from recommendations and success stories.
Outstanding applicants are selected for their experience and qualifications as well as their high energy levels.
A Gocrea8 coach will inspire, motivate and encourage all children on all programmes. So whether a new starter or junior international, our staff have the tools, confidence and knowledge to deliver our promise of specialist coaching and tuition.
Matt Fairburn is the founder of Gocrea8. He works closely with his team to develop new and creative courses, camps and programmes. Working with children, clubs and schools in the region to improve their hockey.
Assistant Head Coach and New Projects Coordinator "My whole life is hockey, my degree is sports coaching with a hockey focus. I've played National League for several seasons now. But my main aim is to help hockey become bigger and better! This fits perfectly with Matt's philosophy here at Go Crea8. What started as a passion became a job, I couldn't be more thrilled!" @richyyowen Sponsored by Grays Hockey